Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Spring Time Happiness

It was a good Monday. I worked hard. I wasn’t asked to do overtime. I was disappointed about that. I was afraid that I had done something to knock me off the list—paranoia can be a devastating thing. When I left I left with a lot of people so obviously it wasn’t me—only a few people stayed today.

It was nice to emerge from the factory while there was still ample daylight left. It was such a gorgeous day. I called Nelson at work to find out when he would be done. I needed—well actually wanted a couple things from Home Depot: my own box knife in a fancy color so that everyone will know it’s mine! And a pair of goggles that aren’t all scuffed up! I found a neon green knife and cool goggles so that I don’t look like a strange bug-like creature (since I have to wear goggles over my regular glasses until I can order the prescription goggles or safety glasses when insurance kicks in).

After Home Depot, Nelson and I went out to dinner. My mom always sends birthday money and we usually use part of it to eat out. We had dinner at Golden Corral. It was really nice. Afterward Nelson took me to ABC Warehouse to buy my birthday present. I’ve wanted a smallish TV for the bedroom—for several reasons. There are times when I would just like to go to bed and fall asleep watching some show. There are also times when Nelson needs to just stay in bed and having a TV would give him something to do so he would stay in bed. I also got a small CD/radio for those times when I’m all alone at work and music would help pass the time. Yay!

I was getting tired so I headed the car toward home. Nelson told me to stop at Goodwill in Ashland. I wanted a lightweight zipper sweatshirt to wear at work when it’s cold in the morning. And I found one!!! We also found a shelf/coat rack that was decorated with Cleveland Indians logo—Nelson’s favorite team. Quite nice. But the buy of the evening cost me fifty cents. We always look at the toys with Penelope in mind. There amid the junk was a Bob the Builder talking doll. Nelson is in construction and he’s bought Pnel several Bob things…like a total workbench. It’s really cute.

I’m reading two books right now. I started reading Miller’s book “Searching for God Knows What” a few weeks ago. I love his style. This is one of those books that I’m only able to read in small chunks. Most recently the chunk I was reading was talking about reading the Bible not looking for formulas but instead seeking a relationship. I’m also reading Yancey’s book “The Bible Jesus Read.” The last part described how the Hebrews were invited into a story. Quoting Perry Miller Yancey writes: When you have a covenant with God, you no longer have a ineffable, remote, unapproachable Deity; you have a God you can count on. The Hebrews and God had entered into a kind of story together and everything about their lives sent back echoes of that story (p. 29). I think it’s interesting how well the two are going together.

This was an even better day. I worked on a packaging order (fortunately I had some help again) and then back to the other area. I worked on a new (to me) machine crimping hose ends—keep those fingers out of there. Then in the afternoon I got to do some real power! I cut 250ft of plastic sheething on a TABLE SAW!!!! Watch those fingers!

One of the things that made today so good was that I played CD’s while I was working. I enjoyed having music to work with. The positive input sure chased away the stinky thinking. Such a big difference! I’m so thankful for that.

Another thing that made today good was that I was asked to do overtime. Hopefully there’ll be more coming this week.

This morning started shakily…the alarm didn’t go off! Fortunately I woke up at three minutes till 6:00…that gave me a half hour to pull it all together. All those dashes to college classes paid off! I was out the door at 6:30. That felt so good that there was no way to feel bad! But trust me…I’ll make sure the alarm isn’t just set…I’ll be sure it’s on tonight!

Well, American Idol is almost over. And when it is, this little head is going to be hitting the pillow…may there be sweet things in your dreams tonight.

1 comment:

Saija said...

i'm amazed that you can still blog so much on a daily basis and work and be a mom & wife ... i start back to work in 2 weeks and i think my blog might suffer? i started to "find" other believers on the net and make myself think straight enough to blog ... both were accomplished with an added bonus - God blessed me big time through others and their thoughts and writing ... cool ...

but work starts soon ... i guess i'll cross that bridge when i come to it!

hope you had a good sleep! and i love the 2 long haired guys on Idol ... just a leftover from my younger years ... guys all had long hair back then!