Wednesday, January 16, 2008


What a day. Not a bad day. Just a long day. Up early to do devotions for the Ashland work crew. I shared a lesson on reducing the hurry in our life and cultivating solitude and silence. It went pretty well. Then I was off to Sandusky. The roads were quite fine. I saw about 20 people at the Job Store and then went over to the homeless shelter and did a group orientation for three guys and follow up for 2 more. After that I ate lunch back at the Job Store and met with a participant to discuss his resume. I stopped at one factory and met the guy I’ve been faxing resumes and got lost looking for two more possible worksites.

When I finally got back to the office I parked my car and got wearily out. As I rounded the front of my car I heard a voice say, “Don’t look so tired, you have a full day of work ahead.” I turned to see my boss in his car heading to Norwalk for a meeting about our work site there and how we might grow it. I ended up standing there and talking to him for over five minutes, which may not seem like much but I had to pee so bad I had to concentrate so that I wasn’t doing the potty dance.
Right now I’m watching a Baby Einstein video with Asher. A lot of people grouse about how people use the TV as an electronic babysitter. Doesn’t happen at my house. When Asher wants to watch a movie he has to have company and we interact all the way through. Right now we’re watching about numbers.

Nelson sorta kinda talked to Ann tonight. She called with a tax question. She’s trying to help a friend with her taxes. I was functioning as the go between when I finally put the phone on speaker. He listened to her and gave answers. It wasn’t a personal conversation, but I’ll take any progress I can get. He also gave her some instructions about filing her taxes, too.

I’m teaching at our building in the morning. I’m going to use the pot idea. I’ll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Judy said...

We interact all through TV shows at my house, too.

I have a crush on Mr. Roger's.

Sometimes I wonder if my grandson notices that some weeks Mr. Roger's is twenty weeks older than he was the week before.

Today we watched a decorating show. He walked into my living room afterwards, reached down and patted the new area rug and said, "NICE!"