Friday, February 04, 2005

Placing Periods

I mentioned the other day that we are studying Purpose Driven Life in our devotional time at T-Net.

I mentioned that I was blessed by his reference to Hezekiah and the way God left him…wait let me quote it to get it right:

God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart.
2 Chronicles 32:31

Hezekiah had enjoyed a close fellowship with God, but at a crucial point in his life God left him alone to test his character to reveal a weakness, and to prepare him for more responsibility.

Here’s my question: where do you put the periods? Sound weird? Perhaps a little, but think about it. How often when you read scripture do you put the period where it was never intended and then wonder why things aren’t turning out “right?”

In the example of Hezekiah, using Warren’s explanation, I put the period after the test of his character. Applying it to my own life: I put the period in after the failed test. The test presented itself and in failing the test, I became a failure; and thereby unusable to God. In misplacing the period, I failed to see that God was wanting (and needing) to uncover that weakness so that I could be prepared for more responsibility. In essence in reading the verse, and God’s intention, incorrectly I quit to soon. I put the period in the wrong place.

People do that with verses like:
-Ephesians 3:20: They want to see God do the exceedingly abundantly above all they could ask or imagine…without realizing that it’s all according to His spirit that is at work in us.
-Romans 8:28: Sure all things work together for the good, but don’t put the period there. Everything works out for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Somehow they interpret this to mean that everything’s going to work out for good—or have a good outcome. Truth is this is for the believer, and God will cause all things to work together…that may not be experienced as “good” in the moment or ever for that matter, but when examined in the grand or God scheme of things is what He wants.
-1 Corinthians 10:13: Not let’s see if I can do this one without totally going off (lol). Way too many people quit early in this verse. “And God is faithful (best words in scripture), He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear, but with each temptation He will provide a means of escape.” Our tendency is to put the period after “bear.” And then we complain when things get tough. “It’s too much.” “What is God thinking, I can’t handle all this.” God is faithful that with each temptation will comes the means of getting through. We have to trust that and operate in that trust to seek His means. Not always easy. But ALWAYS there.

So, be careful how your life puts punctuation into the Word that defeats God’s intended best for you.

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