Thursday, March 31, 2005


Last night I pulled up to the house and when I got out of the car I was greeted to an olfactory treat! Nelson had the grill fired up and hamburger patties prepared. He stopped and bought potato salad and onion rings. We shared our meal with a friend from T-Net. And the almost best part of the meal is that the leftovers packed up to make a wonderful lunch for me today. Mmmmmmmmmm!

When I got home today Nelson wasn’t here, which was surprising since I knew he had the day off. I called him on his cell and he said he was on his way home. He had a headache all day and decided he didn’t want to cook tonight and obviously he had Arby’s on his mind…and Taco Bell, and Burger King…giggles.

Tomorrow at work we’re having a cookout inside. The plant supplies the hotdogs and burgers and grills them---makes the factory smell so good! We’re supposed to bring everything else. I’m going to make a dessert. When I was a kid we called them ting-a-lings. I’ve also heard them called haystacks. I melt butterscotch chips and stir in chow mein noodles. I drop them into cookie size piles on a cookie sheet and let them set up. Well, not all of them set up. (insert big smile and finger licking)

I got paid today. Wow. I feel so blessed. Last year I only made $105. Today my check had 72 hrs of regular pay and 8hrs of overtime. I put in for automatic deposit, but that hasn’t come through yet so I got to hold the real check. That was a really nice feeling. It was good to bring it home and have Nelson be impressed, too.

Well, the ting-a-lings are setting up. Such a yummy snack.

Something interesting happened this morning. The alarm woke me up. Now, that probably sounds normal to most everyone else, but not for me. I almost always wake up before the alarm by at least 20 minutes to a half hour. When the alarm went off this morning, I kept thinking it must be a dream. I did not want to get out of bed.

Now this worries me. Sunday we change our clocks. It’s time to “spring forward.” Most people will be excited about the extra hour to sleep. My body never seems to adjust. It’s so much harder for me to get up in the mornings—sort of like today. Then when we switch back in the fall I’m back to being my happy early rising self. I guess I’m just a little weird.

(giggles inserted…because she’s always laughing at herself) I felt good today. Last night Nelson and I went to Walmart. I bought new sports bras and underwear. I like sports bras (especially for work) because the straps don’t fall down. These are so comfortable. It felt like such a frivolous splurge but I haven’t had new since Feb 2002. I think I was due. I also pulled out a new pair of socks. I was so spiffy in my new unders and my new uniform. I think my whole body was smiling.

Well, right now my body is yawning so I think I toddle it off to bed. Sweet dreams.


Saija said...

smiling with ya ... :)
i don't like the time change either ... i like the winter time and vote to keep it year round ... minus the winter of course!
new undies ... are always a good thing! giggle ...

Dreaming again said...

Hey sweet DaisyMarie, I had to leave this note before I read because I'm getting tired, I wanted to make sure I did.

I'm participating in that whole 5Q4 thing going on, please go check out my blog, and leave a comment if you'd give me the honor to interview you. If you want to set some boundries, or specifically ask that boundries NOT be ignored ... you can email me at
(you can email me anytime for that matter)
I'd love to have the chance to interview you. But you have to play first by going to my blog and saying "I'm game!"

ARe you playing under Biscotti too? I'm so nervous about what she's gonna get for me! and excited!

Hope you're doing well. Ok, now off to read.

Debra said...

Hi Tina... Thanks for reminding me to set my clock ahead on Sunday. I'd been wondering if that was coming Oh, but we will *lose* an hour, won't we? After I read that you said we'd gain an hour, my mind automatically started all the little rhymes that go along with this time-change thing. :) I'm really glad to hear that good things have been happening to you lately and that you are enjoying those good blessings. Thanks again! ... Debra

Erin said...

A full body smile... my goodness, I can't for the life of me remember the last time my body did that. Good reminder that I can't afford to put off change indefinately...