Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sweet Sort of Saturday

I got my hair trimmed today. I didn't want much cut off, just shaped so it looked like it was styled and not shaggily growing out.

I worked at Curves. It was fun. I won't be working much in the future. I think I'm okay with that. The owners agreed to hire more help so they don't need me to cover my occasional hours, just an occasional Saturday. Nelson and I discussed it at dinner: we both agree it's for the best given how tired I was this week with all my teaching and traveling.

Asher broke his glasses tonight. He had been doing better at keeping them on. It happened on my watch. We had been watching a DVD together. I went to fill his bottle (has to have one while watching his moonmies)and when I came back his specially bendable non-breakable glasses were in two pieces in his hands. Let's hear it for warrenties. Tomorrow there will be a visit to Walmart.

Tonight Nelson bought me a car through autotrader. He was approved for a 2003 Huyndai Sante Fe. It's green with all the bells and whistles: including not only a radio but CD and cassette player!!! Woohoo!!! It also has 4wheel drive!!! We go pick it up on Monday. (Picture me with a big smile! ")

I started taking a suppliment in the Curves line that's called Glucose Management. It's all natural. It's amazing. My appetite has been wonderfully quelled and my insatiable questing for carbs has totally been reduced to manageable and healthy proportions! I can't say enough good about this stuff. I'm in my second week and I'm quite thrilled and satisfied.

And with that, I'm going to go read over my lesson for Sunday school tomorrow. I switched with the guy who was supposed to teach because he can't teach next week. Nelson arranged this. I will definitely tell you more about this later, but right now I don't know anything (insert wink here).

1 comment:

Saija said...

a huyndai sante fe?!!! cool!!! :o)