Monday, November 05, 2007

Meaning-full Connections

This morning I went to a business meeting. It felt good.

At lunch I went to a community service agency luncheon. The food was good. Next month I’ll be the presenter. I’m going to have to learn how to run the power point before then. Have I ever mentioned how techno-phobic I am?

After lunch I picked up my paycheck from Curves. Yay, for spending money! That’s one of the reasons I work. I don’t have to ask Nelson for money. Have I ever mentioned my money and worth issues?

With my green in my pocket I made my way to one of the locally owned coffee shops (not to be confused with the large chain coffee seller down the road). I had made arrangements to meet with a woman whose life fell apart after a divorce. I had been called by a woman from church asking if I would be able to meet her and help her. I said I would, but had no idea what I would do. I was really clear that the more I thought about and prayed for the meeting one person’s name kept coming to mind, that of a woman who works out at Curves who is a HR person for an agency in a nearby town.

Wow! I got there early. Have I mentioned I’m a bit OCD about punctuality? I chatted with the owner of the shop. All of a sudden she asked if I was meeting Mary and I said yes. Turns out she knows Mary. I get up from the table where I had been waiting and meet her at the door. Instant connection.

I bought her a coffee. That’s what you do when you ask an unemployed person to meet you at a coffee shop. And then we sat and talked. Charming. Delightful. Witty. Wounded, but healing. Dynamic. She shared her story and then asked me about mine. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to her about my experience. It was not without shame (it never will be), but it was shared in a redemptive way that helped me show how my message has come out of my mess.

The more we talked the more clear it became that the HR person whose name had come to me so clearly was really the right connection to make. I’m excited to do it. So while she touches up her resume and writes a smashing cover letter I’m going to ask some “hypothetical” questions of my HR connection and lay the ground work for Mary’s application to that agency.

Then when we were done, we prayed together. It was a two-hanky moment.

I don’t always like where I am, but I sure love doing this kind of work. Meaning-full connections fostering growth and healing.


Erin said...

Make no mistake, DM... while you no longer carry the title of pastor, you will always wear the mantle of shepherd.

Judy said...

You are an amazing woman.

Really, truly.

Hope said...

"Meaning-full connections fostering growth and healing."

Amen. You've been that for me, too.

HeyJules said...

That's what we call "Soul Care" at our church. I'll bet your smashing at it!