Monday, September 19, 2005


It appears that someone from my place of employment decided to read my journal and go to my boss. Their intent was to make trouble for me.

I don't understand mean spirited people. I am now contemplating deleting my journal altogether. I hate the very thought of that. I've considered going private, but I'm not sure that will solve the problem.

My boss prayed with me about the issue. He was very understanding. He read much of what I wrote. I'm not angry. I just hurt and am very, very sad.

I just don't get the meanness of people.


Melissa said...

I have never understood those people who are always out to make trouble for others, it is so frustrating to have Christ's love for these people, because their only concern is nosing into others business. I'll be praying, and I hope that you don't have to delete your journal ):

Erin said...

Oh, I am so sorry. You just can't seem to catch a break. It's like the enemy's got to taint every good thing in your life.

I'm praying warfare tonight.

And praying over your co-worker too.

Saija said...

sheesh ...
i read 2 blogs that are password protected ... it still allows for fellowship, but you know who has access ...
sheesh, again ...

jettybetty said...

I do not understand meanness--just can't.

Praying you hang in there!


Chris said...

Ugh - so sorry! Hope it turns out well and you can keep the blog - praying for you...