Monday, August 27, 2007


It’s like my left ovary is screaming. I don’t hurt anywhere else. I have called the doctor again. Yesterday I was curled up in the fetal position. I was wondering, given the sharpness of the pain if perhaps it wasn’t my ovary, but maybe a kidney stone trying to pass. Advil isn’t touching the pain.

Dr. R just called and I’m going to get the next available ultrasound appointment.

They called back. There’s a cancellation tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. I have to be in Sandusky tomorrow teaching all day. If I don’t take that one I can’t get in until after 9/13. I am sitting here at my desk in tears.

I have never thought of myself as a wuss, but this pain is second worse I’ve ever know. First being childbirth.

I just called off from Curves tonight. The manager was obviously ticked. I’m really sorry. I was filling in for someone who had to go to her daughter’s pre-school open house. The manager has been taking days off right and left. I’m really sorry to inconvenience them, but I can’t stand up. Even if I went in and faked the closing hour, I couldn’t clean the place and that’s really all she wanted me for.

I just talked to Dan. He’s a good boss. He told me to work out the details with Bob (co-worker) to have him cover class in the afternoon. Hopefully Bob will be as understanding.

I’ve tried relaxation breathing. I’ve tried sitting all curled up. No relief. I almost wish I’d had those pain scripts filled now—but who would have thought that three weeks from the surgery I’d be feeling like this.

I know there are so many in real pain, who have suffered long. I feel like such a baby. It’s just that I’ve been fortunate to not have had to endure pain, not like this.

Bob is going to take the whole day of teaching and we worked out plans for if I don’t feel well Wednesday. Bob and John the admin assistant just prayed for me and now I’m going home..


Anonymous said...

Oh my. I'm praying for you. I'm sorry you are experiencing this.

HeyJules said...

Girl, I'm so worried about you! I'm glad they are getting you in tomorrow but if it gets bad tonight then go to the ER!

Erin said...

Listen to Jules!
Praying here too... have somebody there lay hands on you while we're at it. :)

daisy said...

Lifting you in prayer, daisymarie. Pain is not fun.

And parenting is not for cowards, even when the kids get older. Yes, been there, still there, but I try to stay positive just the same!

Amanda said...

You are in my prayers. Praying for peace that passes all understanding in the name of Jesus. Healing for your body.

Saija said...

awww - pain is a disabling thing! hope the docs find the source of it!!! "touch this sweet sister with good health, dear Lord ... "

blessings to you!

Hope said...

Pain simply sucks. I'm hoping htey get this figured out sooner rather than later for you. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Hugs dear friend.