Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Isn’t it interesting? I make a commitment to be consciously thankful and life jumps in my lap and dares me to continue.

Work has had its challenges this week. The stamping machine has given me fits. If it’s not one thing it’s another. I had a guy really challenge me when I said he and couple other people wouldn’t be working on Monday, because we were going with a short crew due to the number of pieces we had to work with. But I’m still thankful I have a job and the job I have. I was so blessed at the end of the day yesterday. They told us they were going to give us a turkey. I expected a 10 pounder. Nope: over 16 pounds!

Home has its challenges. Nel still can’t make it to the bathroom quickly enough to pee, so I’m still dumping a pee jug. Some days it makes me gag and it’s hard to do with a smile. But dump I do. Our son, Jon is with us for a week. This might not be so bad if we had space, but he’s sleeping on the couch. An extra person with all their “stuff” (including a PS2 game station and all its cords strewn across my living room) is a real challenge to my new resolve for orderliness. And Jon is EXTREMELY anxious. This is in part due to his paranoid schizophrenia and partly due to the meds for the disorder. He paces a lot or stands and rocks from foot to foot. It’s as if he can’t relax. That kind of tension charges the air and makes it hard for me to relax. It makes me thankful for work and the peaceful space that I have created in my bedroom.

And tomorrow. Nelson, Jon, and Beth will be leaving early this evening to go to Ann’s. That’s where we’re gathering for dinner tomorrow. Nelson’s parents are coming. They’re bringing green bean casserole and pecan pie. Nelson’s sister and husband are coming. They’re bringing cranberry stuff (several items with cranberries in them—SIL’s specialties). Nelson will be taking a turkey with him (already cooked). I’ll be going tomorrow with my sister and her two boys. They’re bringing relish tray, dressing, rolls, and a pumpkin pie. Tonight after work, I’m going to make the second turkey, sweet potato casserole, and pumpkin bars. My sis has an Aztec so we’ll be putting the food, a fold up table, and chairs in the back of it. The only thing Annie has to make is mashed potatoes. I think we’ll have enough to eat and plenty for leftovers! The good news is that I think I have everything so I won’t have to go out with the other last minute shoppers.

So tonight I have the house to myself. Just me and my stove. Part of me thinks that would be a delectable way to spend an evening. But some crazy-needs-to-be-smacked part of me is actually considering sending my sis an email and inviting her up to cook and spend the night. I really am torn on this one. My nephews could crash in the living room. Julie and I could play scrabble and cook and clean. So far I’ve been able to resist the urge to send the email. I may consult Nelson. Perhaps a little of the chaos at work will cure me of this extroverted urge and my craving for serenity will override my fear of being alone in the kitchen. We’ll see.

Ok, it’s later. I talked with Nelson and he thought it would be good for my sis and nephews to come tonight. So I sent them an email invite. We’ll see.

I had an interesting lunch. Another challenge so to speak. We had homemade tacos for dinner last night and I put the leftovers in a bowl and crunched up some tortilla chips. I knew I had a packet of Bob Evan’s Wildfire Ranch dressing in my desk at work. I was really looking forward to lunch. Well, dopey me failed to read the packet of dressing: it needs to be refridgerated and no matter how cold I think my office is, it’s not a fridge! So there I sat with a yummy looking salad and no dressing. For a moment I thought lunch was ruined. To my absolute delight and appetite it was great. I tasted everything (and continue to taste the onions, sorry) and it was so good.

I need to quit anticipating the worst. I need to be more joyfully accepting. It (whatever life throws my way) is what I have and I need to enjoy it…to truly count it all joy.

I started out the day tired and negatively anticipating today and tomorrow. It’s amazing to me the attitude adjustment that has come my way. I feel good. I feel blessed. And I am thank-full!


Erin said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Daisymarie.
Having a "thankful filter" changes everything, doesn't it?!

Blessings to you and yours...

Debra said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Tina! I am very thankful for my Scrabble friend. :) Thanks for your comments at my blog, too! Hugs, Debra

Hope said...

Happy Thanksgiving! You continue to inspire me every time I turn around! Your perspective always gives me new perspective. Thank you.