Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ride the Wave

Okay, so I'm in Sandtown, away from home, and Nelson called to ask if I'd let the office know that a fax would be coming in for me. Oh? Nelson called the first mortgage guy he was working with and ask him to just put the loan in my name. And it went through. Surprise! So Nelson went to the auction.

There was only one other couple bidding. Nelson opeded the bid at 50k. They went back and forth until Nelson bid 60k. The trustees of the property wanted 82,500. Nelson countered. They countered. Nelson made a final offer of 72k (our limit) and they came back with 76,500 and we would have to fix the problem with the upstairs toilet. No thank you. So we don't own a house, but we're going to look at another one on Friday that's being auctioned on Monday. And if that doesn't work we're going to slow down and look for a better deal. Nelson really likes the realtor that he's working with.

So maybe sooner than later.

1 comment:

Saija said...

i don't know why, but things like houses are particular difficult to wait on the Lord for ... we've been renting 10 months now - with nothing in sight ... ? ... and it seems more difficult to believe that God WILL put us in the condo or house that He has chosen for us - we just have to wait ... my faith muscles are being exercised!