Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Quick Update

Very quick!

I worked yesterday—per Nelson’s instructions. There was plenty going on to keep my mind occupied. He finally saw the doc about 2pm—not very long before surgery. I was wanting to get to the hospital right away, but of course I was stopped on my out of the building.

I did meet with my PO and she did approve the NASCAR race! I’m so excited—Now we have to get Nelson ready and able. While I was in her office the sky opened up and down came the rain. The storm rumbled through the area and the warning came out for “dangerous lightening.”

I decided not to drive to the hospital in pouring rain and rush hour traffic so I spent a little time checking things on the computer before I left. I arrived at the Surgery Waiting Room desk just as the doc did to give me the details.

Nelson did have the initial operation where they “stretched” him back out. He has a rod through his heel and one at his knee. Rhonda had tried to prepare me for all the hardware, but there’s no way to be ready for that. Nelson was hurting really badly. He will have the hardware for at least 10 days. He has an appointment next Tuesday at the Doc's office. The next surgery will be for the reconstruction of the ankle...Yehaw!

I stayed for a few hours, but he barely knew I was there so shortly after 9pm I left. I got lost in downtown Akron coming home, but was able to trust my pitiful sense of direction to get me back to the freeway. It worked!

I’m tired and would really rather go back to bad, but it’s not in the cards today. Have to work and then Annie and Penelope will be here later and Nelson may come home today.

Thanks for all your prayers!!! They mean so much to me as does all your support, care, and encouragement. Have a Wonderful Wednesday!


jettybetty said...

It sounds like Nelson will be home between surgeries, so that will be easier for you--thanks for the update--your days sound crazy--but I see God there, too--(you got to the waiting room just as the dr--what timing!)--I will continue to pray!

Melissa said...

Hurray...God is working and I'm still praying!

Cindy-Lou said...

So sorry it's been so long since I've been by... life's been pretty hectic these days :) I just caught myself up on Nelson and you... I'm praying! It's awesome to see God working!
Cindy Lou

Saija said...

you sure are a strong woman, Tina ... we know the strength comes from your faith ... just keep on keeping on! (hugs)

and yay re the NASCAR approval!

Theresa Coleman said...

Keep us posted.
Prayers your way today.