Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Butt Paste

Want hear some something funny…well, not really laugh out loud funny, more ironic? Nelson’s boss, Dave called today. Nelson asked him what he was doing. He told Nelson that he was watching TV. Nelson thought that was odd on a work day. Come to find out, Dave fell off a ladder at the worksite and broke his leg. Can you believe it? It’s not actually a break, only a fracture. He’s only going to be off work for a couple weeks and he’s not “non-weight bearing.”

I had to stop and see my PO on the way home from work. She was so concerned about Nelson. I was in her office for about 20min and 90% of the time she asked questions and talked about Nelson. She was so concerned that Nels’ boss hasn’t got the ramp built. She decided to look through her people and see if any of her guys who are on PRC need community service hours. If she finds someone she’ll give him hours for building the ramp for Nelson.

We’ve (translate Nelson) has developed a new kind of pain over the last couple days: non-diaper rash and bed/but sores. I had been putting lotion and powder on it, but today it reached a new level of hurt. So after dinner I made a run to Walmart where my goal was to bring home the Desitine.

Do you know how many different kinds of diaper rash lotions and creams there are? Well, let me tell you: lots! I ended up just buying Desitine because I was familiar with it. The only other one I almost bought was called “Butt Paste.” I thought would make Nelson laugh. It made me laugh there in the aisle.

Well, Nelson handed me the TV remote. Said it was my night to pick what we watch. Bad idea tonight. There’s a dog show on Animal Planet. I’m quite happy. And Nelson is happier too…Desitine is good stuff!

Strange entry…butt it’s how my life is going these days…..


jettybetty said...

Some days are just like that-
glad you are hanging in with such a great attitude!

Saija said...

remember to get plenty of rest Tina ...

sending ((Hugs)) (p.s. my poor hubbies been there with the rashes - tho' baby powder usually helped)

Hope said...

Humour can get a person through so much.

Gigi said...

Another good one...don't laugh now...Anti Monkey Butt powder...a motorcyclist best friend!!

The Complimenting Commenter said...

It's the little things that matter and help. An entertaining post. Thanks for making me smile and I hope things continue to improve.