Sunday, January 28, 2007

Good Days

Ah, what a wonderful morning I’ve had. I got up at 6. I made Vanilla Biscotti Coffee. And I sat down and engaged an old friend. I have a book I really love. I was looking for it before we moved. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I thought perhaps I had loaned it out and it hadn’t been returned. I was sad because for as much as I love it, I never can remember the title to tell someone about it—or to order a new one if I need it. (In fact I’m going to go get it so I can tell you the name.)

It’s called “Knowing Me Knowing God: Exploring Your Spirituality with Myers-Briggs.” In the prologue he identifies his thinking with Thomas Merton and sates: “I believe that the desire to please God does indeed please God, whether that desire is fulfilled or not.”

I liked that. And as I meditated on that thought I caught a ride on the tangential train. I was thinking about the way some of my books are like tools. I thought about how when Nelson was in construction. He wouldn’t start a job without his tools close at hand. Then I was stopped by a random thought: if I was only allowed five of my books, what five would I chose. This sent me, cup of coffee in hand, to the office where most of my books are randomly shelved.

It was so nice to check in with old friends! I scanned the shelves and considered which ones would be better suited for the active shelves at work. I pulled out a little stack. It will be fun to get reacquainted.

Work yesterday went well. One of the things that became a battle was my eating over the last few days. I had to really do battle with stress eating. There aren’t enough carbs on the face of the planet to quell that nervous feeling—but it seemed I was on a mission to try. Ugh! Having things go relatively smoothly yesterday and having several of the women who were working out tell me that I was doing well helped—a lot!

I went in about forty-five minutes early to make sure that I could get the music and “change stations now” CD to work. I figured that way if I couldn’t, I would still have time to call for help. When the day was done I left a running list of things I had questions about—there were 10 things on my list. All in all: a good day!

Today we have snow. And they’re calling for more of the same. Thankfully, the only day they aren’t calling for snow is Wednesday: the day I have to drive to my northern office. This is good news for the weather weenie!


Judy said...

Oh! That books sounds WONDERFUL!

I will have to look it up.

Fieldfleur said...

Super quote. One to remember when I have the "doubtful disease" of ever having that solid faith in my possession. I know, for certain, that God gave me the desire for Him, which I've been wrangling with/enjoying all my life.
Are you going to tell your readers what your Meyer-Brigg code is? :)
